Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural

About the Journal

The Brazilian Journal of Rural Economics and Sociology (RESR) is a publication maintained by the Brazilian Society of Rural Economics, Management and Sociology (SOBER) for over forty years. The authors, referees and readers are professors, researchers, graduate students and professionals from related fields. The journal is published continuous publication.

The RESR publishes original scientific papers, written in Portuguese or English, related to agriculture, agribusiness and rural issues. The topics covered include:

  • Economics and management of agribusiness;
  • Markets, marketing and prices;
  • Macroeconomic policies and agribusiness;
  • International trade of agribusiness;
  • Agriculture, environment and sustainable development;
  • Structure and dynamics of agri-food systems and food chains;
  • Rural poverty and inequality;
  • Productivity and efficiency of agribusiness;
  • Family farming and rural livelihoods;

RESR ratings in CAPES rank

CAPES, an agency of the Ministry of Education, ranks Brazilian journals with a system called QUALIS. Some journals are classified to high-level indicatiors: A1; A2; A3; A4. And others journals are being considered of low strata the classifications; B1; B2; B3; B4 and C. The Brazilian Journal of Rural Economy and Sociology (RESR) currently has a QUALIS rating of A1 to CAPES quadrennium from 2017 to 2020.




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