Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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Augusto César de M. Soares; Richard L. Meyer.

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O presente trabalho pretende contribuir para uma melhor compreensão do compartimento dos produtores de algodão da região semi-árida do Nordeste Brasileiro que, através da adoção do sistema de parceria e de racional diversificação de atividades, conseguem minimizar variações no nível de renda, ao mesmo tempo que procura assegurar renda suficiente para cobrir a despesa familiar, assim como encargos referentes a despesas gerais da propriedade.


1. ANDERSON,Jock L.&DILLON,John D.Agricultural Decision Analysis. The lowa state University Pross, 1977.

2. BANCO DO NORDESTE DO BRASIL S.A., ETENE. Perspectivas da Cultura do Algodão no Nordeste. Fortaleza, 1973.

3. BALMOL, William J. An Expected Gain-Confidence Limit Criterion For Portfolio Selection. Menagement Science. 10 (1963): 174-182.

4. BETTIS, L. W. The Choice of Land Tenure Arrangements Under Risk - A Study of Economic Behavior in the Sertão of Northeast Brazil. The Ohio State University, 1978. (dissertação de Ph.D.): no prelo.

5. BOUSSARD, J. M. The Introduction of Risk Into a Programming Model: Different Criteria and the Actual Behavior of Farmers. European Economic Review. 1 (1969): 92-121.

6. CUTLER, L. & PASS, D. S. A Computer Program for Quadratic Mathematical Models to be Used for Aircraft Design and Other Applications Involving Linear Constraints. The Rand Corporation, 1971.

7. DASGUPTA, A. & DASGUPTA, S. Crop-Planning in a Risky Environment, A Case-study. Econometrica. 35 (1967): 25-26.

8. DILLON, John L. & ANDERSON, J. R. Allocative Efficiency, Traditional Agriculture, and Risk. Amerícan Journal of Agricultural Economics. 53 (1971): 26-32.

9. DILLON, John L.&SCANDIZZO, P. L. Atitudes dos Agricultores Nordestinos, De Subsistência, Em Relação ao Risco: Abordagem Amostral. Revista de Economia Rural. 16 (1978):8-25.

10. EISGRUBER, L. M. & SCHUMAN, L. S. The Usefulness of Aggregated Data in the Analysis of Farm income Variability and Resource Allocation. Journal of Farm Economics. 45 (1963):587-591.

11. EMBRAPA. Sistema de Produção para Algodão Arbóreo - Ceará. Circular Nº 68, outubro 1975.

12. FREUD, Rudolf. J. The Introduction of Risk lnto a Programming Model. Econometrica. 24 (1956): 253-263.

13. FUNDAÇÃO GETÚLIO VARGAS. Conjuntura Econômica. 31 (1977).

14. HAZELL, Peter B. R. A Linear Alternative to Quadratic and Semivariance Programming for Farm Planning Under Uncertainty. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 53 (1971): 53-62.

15. HEADY, Earl O. Diversification in Resource Allocation and Minimization of Income Variability. Journal of Farm Economics, 1952.

16. HEADY, E. 0. & CANDLER, W. Linear Progremming Methods. The lowa State University Press, 1958.

17. HEYE R, J. An Analysis of Peasant Farm Production Under Conditions of Uncertainty. Journal of Agricultural Economics. 13 (1972):135-146.

18. HOGG, R. V. & CRAIG, A. T. lntroduction to Mathematical Statistics. Mcmillan Press, 1965.

19. JOHNSON, Alien W. Sharecroppers of the Sertão: Economics and Dependence on a Brazilian Plantation. Stanford University Pross, 1971.

20. JOHNSON, S. R. A Re-Examination of the Farm Diversification Problem. Journal of Farm Economics. 49 (1967):610-621.

21. LIN, W., DEAN, G. W., & MOORE, C. V. An Empirical Test of Utility vs. Profít Maximization in Agricultural Production. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 56 (1974):497-508.

22. LIPTON, M. The Theory of the Optimizing Peasant. Journal of Development Studies. 4 (1968): 327-351.

23. LOW, A. R. C. Decision Taking Under Uncertainty: A Linear Programming Model of Peasant Farm Behavior. Journal of Agricultural Economics. 25 (1974): 311-320.

24. MARKOWITZ, H. Portfolio Selection. Journal of Finance. 7 (1952):77-91.

25. MCFARQUHAR, A. M. M. Rational Decision Making and Risk in Farm Planning – An Application of Quadratic Programming in British Arable Land. Journal of Agricultural Economics. 14 (1961):552-563.

26. ODERO-OGWEL, L. A. Economic Planning for Peasant Agricultural Development Under Risk Constraints. Eastern Africa Journal of Rural Developmont. 7 (1974): 61-75.

27. PATRICK, G. F. Efeitos de Programas Alternativos do Governo Sobre a Agricultura do Nordeste. Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico. 4 (1974):49-82.

28. PEIXOTO, Heverton. Determinação de "Portfolios" de Venda Para Soja, Face ao Risco de Mercado, Revista de Economia Rural. 15 (1977): 105-119.

29. PERES, Fernando C. Derived Demand for Credit Under Conditions of Risk. The Ohio State University, 1976. (dissertação de Ph.D.).

30. PYLE, D. H. & TURNOVSKY, S. J. Safety-First and Expected Utility Maximization in Mean-Standard Deviation Portfolio Analysis. Review of Economics and Statistics. 52 (1970): 75-81.

31. REID, Joseph D., Jr. Sharecropping in History and Theory. Agricultural History. 69(1975):426-440.

32. ROY, A. D. Safety-First and the Holding of Assets. Econometrica. 20 (1952):431-449.

33. SANDERS, John, et alii Mudança Tecnológica e Desenvolvimento Agrícola no Estado do Ceará, in Alternativas de Desenvolvimento para Grupos de Baixa Renda na Agricultura Brasileira - Teoria e Metodologia. EMBRAPA. Vol. 1, 1974.

34. SANDERS, J. D. & HOLANDA, A. D. Designing New Technology for Small Farmers: A Case Study in a Semi-Arid Area of the Brazilian Northeast. Departamento de Economia Agrícola, Universidade Federal do Ceará, 1975, mimeo.

35. SCHULTZ, T. W. Transforming Traditional Agriculture. Yale University Press, 1964.

36. SCOTT, J. T. & BAKER, C. B. A Practical Way to Select an Optimum Farm Plan Under Risk. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 54 (1972): 657-660.

37. SHARP, W. F. Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium Under Conditions of Risk. The Journal of Finance. 19 (1964): 425-442.

38. SINGH, I. J. The Transformation of Traditional Agriculture: A Case Study of Punjab, India. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 53 (1971): 275-284.

39. SOARES, Augusto César de M. Resource Allocation and Choice of Enterprise Under Risk on Corton Farms in Northeast Brazil. The Ohio State University, 1977. (dissertação de Ph.D.).

40. STOVALL, J. G. Income Variation and Selection of Enterprises. Journal of Farm Economics. 48 (1966):1575-1579.

41. SUPLAN, Ministério da Agricultura. Aspectos Sócio-Econômicos da Cultura de Algodão Arbóreo. Primeiro Relatório. Brasília, 1972.

42. SUPLAN, Ministério da Agricultura. Prograrna de Pesquisas Sobre Algodão Arbóreo no Nordeste do Brasil. Relatório, Brasília, 1973.

43. TOBIN, J. Liquidity Preference as Behaviour Toward Risk. Review of Economic Studies. 15 (l958):65-86.

44. TSIANG, S. C. The Rationale of the Mean-Standord Deviatíin Analysis, Skewness Preference, and the Demand for Money. The American Economic Review. 62 (1972): 354371.

45. WIENS, Thomes B. Uncertainty and Factor Allocation in a Peasant Economy. University of Oregon Working Papers in Economics. Nº 2, 1973.

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