Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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John L. Dillon; Pasquale L. Scandizzo

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O objetivo principal deste trabalho é o de avaliar as atitudes dos pequenos produto- res em relação ao risco. Os dados foram obtidos de uma amostra de pequenos pro- dutores do Nordeste, entrevistados em três anos consecutivos. Utilizou-se da análise tabular e o modelo padrão E - V(que envolve média, desvio-padrão do lucro) e coefi- ciente de risco. As estimativas obtidas permitiram analisar o comportamento dos produtores quando a sua subsistência estava em risco, concluindo-se que é provável que os agricultores entrevistados sigam algum tipo de abordagem segurança-pri- meiro, sempre que a satisfação de suas necessidades básicas esteja em risco.


1. ALBUQUERQUE, Roberto Cavalcanti. Alguns Aspectos da Experiência Recente de Desenvolvimento do Nordeste. Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico, 6 (2), (1976) : 461-489.

2. ANDERSON, J. R.; DILLON, J. L. & HARDAKER, J. B. Agricultura! Decision Analysis. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1976.

3. BAUMOL, W. An Expected Gain-Confidence Limit Criterion for Portfolio Selection. Management Science. 1 O (1963) : 174-82.

4. BROOKS, R. H. Drought and Public Policy in Northeastern Brazil: Altematives to Starvation. Professional Geographer. 25 (1973) : 338-46.

5. COOMBS, C. H. A Review of the Mathematical Psychology of Risk and Risk-Taking. Departrnent of Psychology, University of Michigan, MMPP Report No. 72-6, 1972.

6. DEAN, G. W. Firm Theory lncorporating Growth and Risk: lntegration into Farm Management Researcli. Suppl. to lnternational Journal of Agrarian Affairs, ( 1975) : 110-20.

7. DILLON, J. L. & ANDERSON, J. R. Allocative Efficienty in Traditional Agriculture and Risk, American Journal of Agricultura! Economics. 53 (1971) : 26-32.

8. DI LLON, J. L. & MESQUITA, T. C. Atitudes dos Pequenos Agricultores do Sertão do Ceará diante do Risco. Fortaleza. Departamento de Economia Agrícola, Universidade Federal do Ceará, (Julho de 1976). (Série Pesquisa n9 12).

9. HARGREAVES, G. H. Monthly Precipitation Probabilities for Northeast Brazil. Depart• ment of Agricultura! and lrrigation Engineering, Utah State University, Logan, 1973.

10. HAZELL, P. B. R. A Linear Alternative to Quadratic and Semi-Variance Programming in Farm Planning under Uncertainty. American Journal of Agricultura! Economics. 53 (1971) :53-62.

11. HAZELL, P. B. R. & SCANDIZZO, P. L. Competitive Structures under Risk in Agricultura! Linear Programming Models; American Journal of Agricultura! Economics. 56 (1974): 235-44.

12. HAZELL, P. B. R. & SCANDIZZO, P. L. Optimal Price lntervention Policies when production is Risky. Development Research Center, World Bank, Washíngton, 1976, mimeo.

13. HEYER, J. An Analysis of Peasant Farm Production under Conditons of Uncertainty. Joumal of Agricultura! Economics. 23(1972) : 135-45.

14. HIEBERT, L. D.: Risk, Learning and the Adoption of Fertilizer Responsive Seed Varieties. American Joumal of Agricultura! Economics. 56 (1974) : 764-8.

15. HUXLEY, J.: Evolution in Action. New York: Harper, 1953.

16. JOHNSON, A. W.: Sharecroppers of the Sertão: Economics and Dependence on a Brazilian Plantation. Stanford University Press, 1970.

17. JOHNSON, A. N. : Security and Risk-taking_among Poor. Peasants: A Brazilian Case. Studies in Economic Anthropology. AS7 (1971) :143-50.

18. KUTCHER, G. P. & SCANDIZZO, P. L. The Northeast Brazil Effort: A Progress Report. Development Research Center, World Bane, Washington, 1976a, mimeo.

19. KUTCHER, G. P. & SCANDIZZO, P. L., eds. The Economics of Farming in Northeast Brazil: Report on a Regionwide Survey. Development Research Center, World Bank, Washington, 1976b, mimeo.

20. LIPTON, M.: The Theory of the Optimizing Peasant. Journal of Development Studies. 4 (1968) :327-51.

21. LOW, A. R. C.: Decision M<>king under Uncertainty: A Linear Programming Model of Peasant Farmer Behavior. Journal of Agricultura! Economics. 25(1974) : 311-22.

22. MASSON, R. T.: Utility Functions with Jump Discontinuities: Some Evidenceand lmplications from Peasant Agriculture. Economic lnquiry. 12 (1974) : 559-66.

23. MESQUITA, T. C. & DILLON, J. L.: Alguns Aspectos dos Pequenos Agricultores do Sertão do Ceará, diante do Risco. Estudos Agrários 1. 0NCRA, Brasília, 1976) : 1-12.

24. MOSCARDI, E. R.: A Methodology to Study Attitudes toward Risk: The Case of the Puebla Project. CIMMYT, Mexico City, 1975, mimeo.

25. O'MARA, G. T.: A Decision Theoretic View of the Microeconomics of Technique Diffusion in a Developing Country. (s/1), Stanford University, 1971. (Ph. D thesis).

26. PATRICK, G. F. & CARVALHO FILHO, J. J.: Low-lncome Groups in Brazilian Agriculture: A Progress Report. Purdue University, Agricultura! Experiment Station Buletin. No. 79, Lafayette, 1975.

27. ROUMASSET, J. A.: Estimating the Risk of Altemate Techniques: Nitrogenous Fertilization of Rice in the Philippines. Review of Marketing and Agricultura! Economics. 42 (1974) : 257-94.

28. SAMUELSON, P. A.: The Fundamental Approximation Theorem of Portfolio Analysis in Terms of Means, Variances and Higher Moments. Review of Economic Studies. 37 (1970) : 537-42.

29. SANDERS, J. H. & ALMEIDA, W. G. Fontes de Variação da Renda, 1973-1974, de Pequenos Proprietários e· Parceiros com Sugestões para Políticas. Fortaleza, Departamento de Economia Agrícola, Universidade Federal do Ceará, (Agosto, 1976). (Série Pesquisa n9 14).

30. SAN DERS, J. H. & HOLLANDA, A. D. Designing New Technology forSmall Farmers: A Case Study in a Semi-Arid Area of the Brazilian Northeast. Fortaleza, Department of Agricultura! Economics, Federal University of Ceará. 1975, mimeo.

31. SCANDIZZO, P. L.: Distributional Effects of Productivity lncreases: A Case Study in Northeast Brazil. Development Research Centre, World Bank Washington, 1975, mimeo.

32. SCHLUTER, M. G. & MOUNT, T. D.: Management Objectives of the Peasant Farmer: An Analysis of Risk Aversion in the Choice of Cropping Pattern, Surat District, lndia. Journal of Development Studies. 12 (1976) : no prelo.

33. SIMMONS, R. L. & POMAR E DA, C.: Equilibrium Ouantity and Timming of Mexican Vegetable Exports. American Journal of Agricultura! Economics. 57 (1975) : 472-9.

34. WHARTON, C. R.: Risk, Uncertainty and the Subsistence Farmer. Development Digest. 7 (1969) : 3-10.

35. WIENS, T. B.: Uncertainty and Factor Allocation in a Peasant Economy. University of Oregon Working Papers in Economics. No. 2, 1973.

36. WIENS, T. B. Peasant Risk Aversion and Allocative Behavior: A programming Experiment. University of Oregon Working Papers in Economics. No. 8, 1974. 37. WOLGIN, J. M.: Resource Allocation and Risk: A Case Study of Smallholder Agriculture in Kenya. American Journal of Agricultura! Economics. 57 (19751 : 622-30.

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