Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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Paulo Roberto Veloso, Maraia Fernandes Maciel Gomes, Antonio Carvalho Campos, Jose Lufs dos Santos Rufino

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The objective of this study is to identify and analyze the factors that determine the competitiveness of the slaughter and swine meat processing industry in Minas Gerais State. The study is based on the competitiveness model developed by Porter ( 1993), that examines the competitive advantage by means of the following four ample factors: demand conditions; factor conditions; strategy, structures and rivalry of the companies; and correlate and support industries. Associated to the government's performance and at random, these factors will determine the competitiveness of the industry in the State. The results of the analysis show that the competitive advantage sources are not found, in its totality, in Minas Gerais State to sustain all the prerequisites necessary to the characterization of the State as a leader, in potential, of the slaughter and swine meat processing industry. As verified, in Minas Gerais State there is no correlate industry provided with a strong support, that would be able to stimulate the State's industry
growth. The production of the raw material still doesn't attend the needs of the sector companies. In spite of wide, the domestic consuming market doesn't present enough dynamism to stimulate new investments; the high tax load and the inspection lack have been reducing the companies' competitiveness. Besides that, the market structure, the lack of internal rivalry and the managerial deficiency have been contributing to the low performance of those companies.


Competitiveness, Agroindustry, Swine.


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