Otavio Valentim Balsadi, Jose Graziano da Silva
This text analyzes the quality of agricultural and non-agricultural rural employment (NARE) for the economically active population (EAP) of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in the 1990s. Considering micro-data from the Brazilian National Households Research Sample (PNAD), we defined three groups of agricultural occupations (Permanent Agricultural Workers, Temporary Agricultural Workers, and Agricultural Operators) and seven groups of non-agricultural occupations (Domestic and Nondomestic Service, Processing Industry, Non-specialized Commerce, Drivers, Teachers, and Civil Construction). In 9rder to compare the quality of these agricultural and non-agricultural groups of occupations, we created the Employment Quality Index - EQI. The EQI is based on calculated partial indexes related to main job income, employee benefits, and degree of job formalization. Our results show that, except for female domestic service providers, all groups of non-agricultural occupations are to be favored by Sao Paulo's rural residents over agricultural occupations.
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