Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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Abel Ciro Minniti lgreja

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Structural changes in soybean production in the Parana, Brazil, have been analyzed in the present paper. A quantitative method was used to detect impacts of soybean expansion over a variable called the Total Disputed Area (TDA). This variable when correlated with the Total Census Surveyed Area (TCSA) provided the Replacement Index (RI), a measure of the rate of farmland conversion from one agricultural use to another. Indicators were created and employed to analyze changes that occurred in the following time periods: 1970-75, a time of development characterized by modernization policies, high annual economic growth rates, and a drive to increase exports; 1975-80, when the framework of agribusiness was basically founded, as upstream and downstream industries were completed and existing processing facilities were redesigned; 1980-85, when agribusiness consolidated; and 1985-96, a period of increasing economies of scale and market segmentation. For different strata of farms, arranged according to size, it was possible to make inferences about the allocative movement of soybean on a. set of activities and uses of agricultural soil. This focus revealed asynchronous movements between areas as one land use replaced another (greater in the '70s), and an increase in the scale of soybean grower of operations(greater in the '80s). The restructuring ofParana's soybean culture found its source in microeconomic change (scale increase, and market
segmentation, exemplified by the arrival of "organic soybean") rather
than macroeconomic factors and/or sector policies.


soybean crop, regional economy, State of Parana.


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