Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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O objetivo deste trabalho é expor as principais abordagens para calcu- lar os benefícios da pesquisa agropecuáiia e introduzir uma possível maneira de incorporar na análise o risco de não-adoção de novas tecnologias. Espera-se _que es- ta abordagem teórica estimule debates e críticas para tornar possíveis os estudos empíricos na área.


excedente econômico, fator K de deslocamento da oferta, probabilidade de adoção.


AKINO, M. & HAYAMI, Y. Efficiency and equity in public research, rice breed- ing in Japan's economic development. American Journal af Agricultural Economics, 57 :1-10, 1975.

ARAJI, A.A.; SIM, R.J. & GARDNER, R.L. Returns to agricultura! research and extension programs; an ex-ante approach. Anierican Journal of Agricultura! Economics, 60(5):964-968, 1978.

ARNDT, T.M. & RUTTAN, V.W. Resource allocation and productivity in natio- nal and international agricultura! research. Minneapolis, Minnesota Uoiversi- ty Press, 1977.

A YER, H.W. & SCHUH, G.E. Social rates of return and other aspects of agricul- tura! research; the case of cotton research in São Paulo, Brazil. American ~ournal af Agricultura! Economics, 54:557-569, 1972.

BARLETTA, N.A. Costs and social benefits af agricultura! research in Mexico. Chicago, University of Chicago, 1971 (Tese Ph.D.).

DA CRUZ, E.A. On the determination of priorities for agricultura! research under risk. London University, Wye College, 1979 (Tses Ph.D.).

DALRYMPLE, D.G. Evaluating the impact of internation research on wheat and rice production in the developing nations. ln: ARNDT, T.M. & RUTTAN, V.W. (eds.). Resource allocation and productivity in national and intern• tional agricultura! research. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1977. Chapter 7.

DA. FONSECA, M.A.S. Retorno social aos investimentos em pesquisa na cultura do café. Revista de Economia Rural, 16(4) :31-40, 1978.

DE CASTRO, J.P. & SCHUH, G.E. An empírica! test of,an economic model for establishing research priorities: A Brazil case study. ln: ARNDT, T.M. & RUTTAN, V.W. (eds.). Resource a.llocation and productivity in national and international agricultura! research. Minneapolis, University Press, 1977.

FISHEL, W.L. Resource allocation in agricultura! research. Minneapolis, Univer- sity of Minnesota Press, 1971.

GRILICHES, Z. Research costs and social returns; hybrid corn and related inno- , vations. Journal Political Economy, 66:414-431, oct., 1958.

HAYAMI, V. & AIKO, M. Organization and productivity of agricultura! research systems in Japan. ln: ARNDT, T.M. & RUTTAN, V.W. (eds.). Resource allocation and productivity in national and international agricultura! research. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1977.

HERTFORD, R.; ARDILLA, J.; ROCHA, A. & TRUJILLO, C. Productivity of agricultura! research in Cotombia. ln: ARNDT, T.M. & RUTTAN, V.W. (eds.). Resource allocation and productivity in nationai and international agricultura! research. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1977, Chapter 4.

HERTFORD, R. & SCHMITZ, A. Measuring economic returns to agricultura! research. ln: ARNDT, T.M. & RUTTAN, V.W. (eds.). Resource allocation and productivity in national and international agricultura! research. Univer- sity of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1977.

JOHNSON, G.L. Theoretical considerations in the overproduction trap in U.S. agriculture. ln: JOHNSON, G.L. & QUANCEY, C.L. eds. A study of resour- ce allocation. Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press, 1972. Chapter 3, p.22-40.

PETERSON, W.L. Return of poultry research in the United States. Journal of Farm Economics, 49:656-669, aug., 1967.

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