Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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Ricardo Silveira Martins, Jose Vicente Caixeta Filho

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The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the transportation of corn, soybean, wheat and soybean meal in Parana , a southern Brazilian state, with the purpose of expanding the railway system's relative share of this transport in the state. Agriculture and agribusiness related sectors play an important income generation role in the state of Parana, making Parana's economy very sensitive to recent changes in these sectors. In this research, transportation cost minimization models were generated through application of a linear programming tool and then applied to rationalize the use of Parana transportation system. A study of these models revealed significant potential contributions which could be made by the railroad system to reduce transportation costs in Parana. Modal distribution models showed that the railroad system's share in the transportation matrix of selected products could be expanded, especially the system's share in the transport of agricultural products to Parana's largest port, Paranagua. Some priorities for investment in Parana's rail system were highlig!--r~d: an increase in the capacity of the Curitiba-Paranagua rail stretch, and the correction of the bottleneck in the Guarapuava-Ponta Grossa rail stretch to bring FERROESTE (Eastern Railroads Co.) into a better competitive position. The model did not favor freight flow allocation to intermodal alternatives. 


Modal split, linear programmmg; intermodal transportation. 


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