Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Original article


Andre Steffens Moraes, Andrew Fredrick Seidl

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We report the results of a formal oral survey of 493 sport fishing visitors during the high fishing season of 1994 in the Pantanal of Brazil, . In addition to requests for demographic information, visitors were polled regarding cost aspects of their vacation decision, travel history, reasons for choosing the Pantanal as a tourism destination, and other aspects of their experience. Survey responses indicate that recreational fishing in the southern Pantanal is overwhelmingly a married, wealthy; educated, middle aged male experience relative to Brazil. On average, respondents had visited the region 4 times. Sport fishers reported traveling 2,700 km, staying 6 days, spending US$970, and catching 25 kg of fish each per trip, on average. We estimate a total direct expenditures of US$36,453,340 on sport fishing visits to the southern Pantanal. The principal reason for sport fishers to visit the southern Pantanal is not to catch fish. Rather, the primary attraction is the unique natural environment. This revelation has policy relevance with regard to regional tourism development and marketing efforts as well as natural resource management objectives in the Pantanal. 


Sport fishing, expenditures, natural resource management


CATELLA, A.C.; PEIXER, J.; PALMEIRA, S. da S. Sistema de controle da pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul, SCPESCA/MS - I, maio/1994 a abril/1995. Corumbá, MS: EMBRAPA-CPAP/ SEMADES-MS, 1996. 49p. (EMBRAPA-CPAP. Documentos 16).

CATELLA, A. C.; NASCIMENTO, F. L.; MORAES, A. S.; RESENDE, E. K. de; CALHEIROS, D. E; OLIVEIRA, M. D. de; PALMEIRA, S. da S. ln.: BRASIL. Ministério do Meio Ambiente, dos Recursos Hídricos e da Amawnia Legal. Plano de Conservação da Bacia do Alto Paraguai (Pantanal) - PCBAP. Diagnóstico dos meios físico e biótico: meio biótico. Brasília, 1997. v.2, t.3, p.323-400.

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