Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Original article


Robert T. Walker; Alfredo Kingo Oyama Homma; Frederick N. Scatena; Arnaldo José de Conto; Carlos David Rndriquez-Pedrazza; Célia Armando Palheta Ferreira; Pedro Mourão de Oliveira; Rui de Amorim Carvalho

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The dynamics of land use change in both the mid and long-run were determined for a sample of 132 small farmers located along the Transamazon Highway. On average, four deforestation events occurred after arrival on the property. The average area of deforested land was 10 hectares for each event, totaling 40 of the 50 hectares allowed by law for a typical size plot of 100 hectares. It was observed that small farmers along the Transamazon Highway employ diversified systems of land use including annual crops, perennials and cattle; these show a temporal sequence in accord with household domestic cycles. These results suggest that pasture conversion in Amazon by small farmers is due to domestic dynamics cycle in addition to others variables. 


Land use, Transamazon, deforestation, domestic cycle, Amazonia 


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