Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural


Teotonio Dias Teixeira; G. E. Schuh

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ALVES, Eliseu R. An econometric study of lhe agricullural albor market in Brazll: a test of substence and cnmmercial lamily form models. Purdue University, 1972. (Tese PhD).

BASMANN, R.l. A generalized classical melhod of linear estimation of coefficients in a structual equation. Econometrica, 25(1): 77-83, Ja. 1957.

BASMANN, R.L. letter to lhe editor. Econometrica, 30 (4): 874-6, Oct. 1962.

BECKER, G.S. A theory of allocatio nof time. Economic Journal, 75 (299): 433-517, Sept. 1965. BISHOP, C.E. Econcmic espects oi changes in the farm labor force. ln: IOWA CENTER FOR AGRICULTURAL AND ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT, Labor mobility and populalion in agricul- ture. Ames, Iowa State University, 1961. p. 34-49.

GISSER, Micha. Schooling and the farm problem. Econometrica, 33 (3): 582-92, July 1965. JONES, l.B. & CHRISTIAN, J.W. Some observations on the agricultura! labor market. tn- duslrial and Labor Relalions Review, 18 (4): 527-34, July 1965.

LANCASTER, K.J. A new approach to consume, theory. Journal oi Political Economy, 74(2): 132-57, Mar/Apr. 1966.

NAKAJIMA, C. Subs,stence and commercial family farms: some theoretical models oi subje- tive equiiibrium. ln: WHARTON JR., Clifton, R. (ed.). Subsistence agricultura and economlc development. Chicago, Aldine, 1969. p. 1965-85.

PATRICK, G.F. & CARVALHO FILHO, J.J. de. Low income groups in brazilian agriculture: a progress repor!. Purdue University, 1975. (Stalion Bulletin, 79).

TANG, A.M. Economic development and changing consequences of race dlscrlmination in southern agricultura. The Journal oi Farm Economics, 6(5): 1113-26, Dec. 1959.

TANG, A.M. On subjetive equilibrium oi the subsistence farmer. ln: WHARTON JR., Ciifton, R. e d . S u b s i s l e n c e a g r i c u l t u r e a n d e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n l . C h i c a g o , A l d i n e , 1 9 6 9 . p . 1 9 0 - 6 .

TEIXEIRA, T.D. Resource efficiency and lhe market for family labor: small larms ln lhe ser- tão oi northeasl, Brazil. Lalayette, Purdue University, 1976. 523 p. (Tese Ph.D.)

THEIL, H. Principais oi econometrics. New York, John Wiley, 1971. 497 p.

TYRCHNIEWICZ, E.W. An economelric sludy oi agricultura! labor markel. Prudue University, 1967. (T ese Ph.D.)

TYRCHNIEWICZ, E.W. & SCHUUH, G.E. Econometric analysis oi lhe agricultJral labor market. American Journal of Agricultura! Economics, 51 (4): 770-87, November 1€<69.

WALLACE, T.D. & HOOVER, D.M. lncome elfects oi innovation: the case c,f labor in agri cultura. Journal oi Farm Economics, 48(2): 325-36, May 1916.

ZELIN!::R, A. & THEIL, H. Three slage least squares: simultaneous estimation oi simullaneous equations. Economelrica, 30(1): 54-78, Jan. 1962.

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