Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural


Charles C. Mueller

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l. ABERCROMBIE, K.C., 1971. "Preliminary Note on Agricultura] Employment in Brazil ". Nota para discussão, Ministério da Agricultura, dezembro de 1971 (mimeografado).

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3. AHMAD, S., 1966. "On the Theory of Induced Invention", "Economic Journal", LXXVI, p. 344-57.

4. BAER, W., 1967. "The Inflation Controversy in Latin America:a Survery", "Latin American Researd Review", vol. II, n. 0 22, p. 3-25.

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6. FALCON, W.P., 1971. "Agricultural Employment in Less Developed Countries: General Situation, Research Approaches, and Policy Palliatives", Economic Staff Working Paper n. 0 113, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, abril de 1971.

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14. SANDERS, J.H. e BEIN, F.L., 1975. "Agricultura] Development on the Brazilian Frontier:Southern Mato Grosso", University of Minnesota, Janeiro de 1975 (mimeografado).

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