Strategic Institutional Management in Dairy Cooperatives - a theoretical appointment
Gustavo Leonardo Simão; Luiz Marcelo Antonialli; Túlio Carvalho C. de Souza Netto; Antonio Carlos dos Santos
AMODEO, N. B. P. As cooperativas e o desafio da competitividade.
ANTONIALLI, L. M. Influência da mudança de gestão nas estratégias de uma cooperativa agropecuária.
ASHFORTH, B. E. et al. Ambivalence in organizations: A multilevel approach.
ASHFORTH, B. E; e REINGEN, P. H. Functions of dysfunction managing the dynamics of an organizational duality in a natural food cooperative.
BATTILANA, J; e DORADO, S. Building sustainable hybrid organizations: the case of commercial microfinance organizations.
BATTILANI, P; e ZAMAGNI, V. The managerial transformation of Italian co-operative enterprises 1946-2010.
BIALOSKORSKI NETO, S. Um ensaio sobre desempenho econômico e participação em cooperativas agropecuárias.
BIJMAN, J; e HU, D. The Rise of New Farmer Cooperatives in China: Evidence from Hubei Province.
BORGATTI, M. T. O cooperativismo na cadeia do leite em Minas Gerais.
BROMLEY, P; e POWELL, W. W. From smoke and mirrors to walking the talk: decoupling in the contemporary world.
CAPPER, J. L. The environmental impact of dairy production: 1944 compared with 2007.
CHADDAD, F. R. Cooperativas no agronegócio do leite: mudanças organizacionais e estratégicas em resposta à globalização.
CRUBELLATE, J. M; GRAVE, P. S; e AZEVEDO, A. M. A questão institucional e suas implicações para o pensamento estratégico.
D’AUNNO, T; SUTTON, R. I; e PRICE, R. H. Isomorphism and external support in conflicting institutional environments: a study of drug abuse treatment units.
DIMAGGIO, P. J. Structural analysis of organizational fields: a blockmodel approach.
DIMAGGIO, P. J; e POWELL, W. W. The iron cage revisited: Institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields.
EBNETH, O; e THEUNSEN, L. Internationalization and Corporate Success - Empirical Evidence from the European Dairy Sector. In:
FERRIER, A. Opportunities and challenges of co-operative model.
GLOVER, J. L. et al. An Institutional Theory perspective on sustainable practices across the dairy supply chain.
GRAY, S; e HERON, R. L. Globalising New Zealand: Fonterra Co-operative Group, and shaping the future.
HOGELAND, J. A. Managing uncertainty and expectations: The strategic response of US agricultural cooperatives to agricultural industrialization.
ICA - International Co-operative Alliance.
JARZABKOWSKI, P; LÊ, J. K; e VAN DE VEN, A. H. Responding to competing strategic demands: how organizing, belonging, and performing paradoxes coevolve.
JONES, D. C; e KALMI, P. Economies of Scale Versus Participation: a Co-operative Dilemma?
KRAATZ, M. S; e BLOCK, E. S. Organizational implications of institutional pluralism. In: GREENWOOD, R. et al. (Eds.).
LAWRENCE, P. R; e LORSCH, J. W. Differentiation and Integration in Complex Organizations.
LEITE, J. L. B; e GOMES, A. T. Perspectivas futuras dos sistemas de produção de leite no Brasil. In: GOMES, A. T; LEITE, J. L. B; e CARNEIRO, A. V. (Eds.).
LIANG, Q. et al. Governance Structure of Chinese Farmer Cooperatives: Evidence From Zhejiang Province.
MAGALHÃES, R. S. Habilidades Sociais no Mercado de Leite.
MAZZAROL, T; LIMNIOS, E. M; e REBOUD, S. Co-operative Enterprise: a unique Business Model? In:
MEYER, J. W; e ROWAN, B. Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony.
NAKHLA, M. Production control in the food processing industry: the need for flexibility in operations scheduling.
NASSAR, A. M; e ZYLBERSZTAJN, D. Associações de interesse no agronegócio brasileiro: análise de estratégias coletivas.
NILSSON, J; SVENDSEN, G. L. H; e SVENDSEN, G. T. Are large and complex agricultural cooperatives losing their social capital?
NILSSON, W. Positive Institutional Work: Exploring Institutional Work Through the Lens of Positive Organizational Scholarship.
NOVKOVIC, S. The balancing act: Reconciling the economic and social goals of co-operatives. In: Proceedings …International Summit of Cooperatives, 2012. Quebec: Quebec, 2012, p. 289-299 2012.
OLIVEIRA, L. F. T; e SILVA, S. P. Mudanças institucionais e produção familiar na cadeia produtiva do leite no Oeste Catarinense.
OLIVEIRA, M. M. As circunstâncias da criação da extensão rural no Brasil.
OLIVER, C. The collective strategy framework: An application to competing predictions of isomorphism.
OLIVER, C. Strategic responses to institutional processes.
ÖSTERBERG, P; e NILSSON, J. Members’ perception of their participation in the governance of cooperatives: the key to trust and commitment in agricultural cooperatives.
PACHE, A; e SANTOS, F. When worlds collide: The internal dynamics of organizational responses to conflicting institutional demands.
PACHE, A. Inside the Hybrid Organization: Selective Coupling as a Response to Competing Institutional Logics.
PIRES, M. L. L. Cooperativismo e dinâmicas produtivas em zonas desfavorecidas. O caso das pequenas cooperativas agrícolas do Sul da França.
PLANAS, J; e VALLS-JUNYENT, F. ¿ Por qué fracasaban las cooperativas agrícolas? Uma respuesta a partir del análisis de um núcleo de la Catalunã rabassaire.
POWELL, W. W. Expanding the scope of institutional analysis. In: POWELL, W. W; e DIMAGGIO, P. J. (Eds.).
PUUSA, A; MONKKONEN, K; e VARIS, A. Mission lost? Dilemmatic dual nature of cooperatives.
SAKSA, J; JUSSILA, I; e TUOMINEN, P. Producer and Marketing Co-operatives: Institutional Contexts and Strategies.
SANDER, J. A; e CUNHA, C. R. Atores sociais e campo organizacional: estratégias discursivas e de mobilização de recursos na construção do complexo avícola na Cooperativa Agroindustrial Copagril.
SCHERER, A. G; PALAZZO, G; e SEIDL, D. Managing Legitimacy in Complex and Heterogeneous Environments: Sustainable Development in a Globalized World.
SCHUMBERT, M. N; e NIEDERLE, P. A. A competitividade do cooperativismo de pequeno porte no sistema agroindustrial do leite no oeste catarinence.
SELZNICK, P. Foundations of the theory of organizations.
SERIGATI, F. C; e AZEVEDO, P. F. Comprometimento, características da cooperativa e desempenho financeiro: uma análise em painel com as cooperativas agrícolas paulistas.
SHOJAKHANI, M. Problems and prospects of co-operative movement in rural India. In: MADAN, G. R. (Ed.).
SKELCHER, C; e SMITH, S. R. Theorizing hybridity: Institutional logics, complex organizations, and actor identities: The case of nonprofits.
SMITH, W. K;. and Lewis, M. W. Toward a Theory of Paradox: a dynamic equilibrium Model of Organizing.
SOMERVILLE, P. Co-operative identity.
TEBINI, H. et al. Revisiting the Impacto f Social Performance on Financial Performance from a Global Perspective.
TUNICK, M. H. Dairy Innovations over the Past 100 Years.
VERHOFSTADT, E; and MAERTENS, M. Smallholder cooperatives and agricultural performance in Rwanda: do organizational differences matter?
VIEIRA FILHO, J. E. R; and SILVEIRA, J. M. F. J. Mudança tecnológica na agricultura: uma revisão crítica da literatura e o papel das economias de aprendizado.
WALTER, S. A; AUGUSTO, P. O. M; and FONSECA, V. S. O campo organizacional e a adoção de práticas estratégicas: revisitando o modelo de Whittington.
WHITTINGTON, R. Putting Giddens into action: social systems and managerial agency.
ZOTT, C; and HUY, Q. How entrepreneurs use symbolic management to acquire resources.
ZUGKER, L. G. Institutional theories of organization.