Agricultura familiar nas regiões serrana, norte e noroeste fluminense: determinantes do processo de geração de renda
Family farming in the highlands, north and northwest regions of Rio de Janeiro: determinants of the income generation process
Carlos Enrique Guanziroli; Karina Vinchon
The aim of this paper is to study the perspectives of family farming in serrana, north and northwest regions in Rio de Janeiro state by identifying the determinants of farm income. This paper performs a literature review about family farming in Brazil and the way it has been developing in serrana, north and northwest regions of Rio de Janeiro, showing its economic importance. Aiming to analyze the determinants of farm income, the paper uses multiple regression analysis based on data from the BNDES/UFscar/Cresol research project “Studies to guide new agricultural business opportunities, collective investment and alternative marketing possibilities”. The regression results show that the use of technical assistance by farmers, their participation in rural cooperatives, the area of these establishments and the increase in the years of schooling of the agricultural producer boost the generation of gross income. Therefore, it can be said that public policies that focus on the development of family agriculture should include aspects that involve the education and training of rural producers, as well as encourage participation in rural cooperatives and the use of technical assistance.
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