A desvalorização cambial e a exportação de produtos florestais madeireiros
The exchange rate devaluation and wood forest products exports
Amarildo Hersen; Vitor Afonso Hoeflich; Jandir Ferrera de Lima
The objective of this paper is to analyze the behavior of wood forest products exports after the exchange rate devaluation, which has started in the second half of 2012. The method of impact evaluation was the difference in differences (DD). The results show that, although exports represent, on average, a smaller quantity than domestic trades, they registered a more significant absolute variation, with the exchange devaluation. The significant exchange rate devaluation resulted in a positive trajectory of the volume of shipped wood products than in the hypothesis of its non-existence, verified by comparing the rate of change with the counterfactual of the treated group. However, public inclusion policies of the small producer and entrepreneurs of the sector could have led to even more satisfactory results, in addition to being inclusive policies.
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