Modernização agrícola na Amazônia brasileira
Agricultural modernization in the brazilian Amazon
Mário Sérgio Pedroza Lobão; Jefferson Andronio Ramundo Staduto
Abstract:: The objective of the research is to analyze the level of agricultural modernization of the municipalities of the Amazon of Brazil. It was used the technique of factorial analysis and the production of the Agricultural Modernization Index (AMI), based on 18 indicators from the Agricultural Census of 2006. As main results it was obtained the extraction of 5 latent factors, representing more than 74% of the cumulative total variance. The most important indicators were agricultural expenditure, land use and labor intensive. The AMI revealed clearly the existence of a heterogeneous and dual pattern of agricultural modernization in the Brazilian Amazon, on the West and North side in the region (Western Amazon) in which the municipalities with the worst indicators of agricultural modernization and on the South and East side (Eastern Amazon) there are those with the best results. The states with the best AMI were Rondônia, Tocantins and the South and East of Pará. Acre, Amazonas, Amapá and Roraima had low levels of agricultural modernization, especially the state of Amapá, which had all its municipalities between the stages low and very low of AMI.
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