Estilo de gestão de produtores rurais
Management style of farmers
Fernando Thiago; Edson Keyso de Miranda Kubo; João Batista Pamplona; Milton Carlos Farina
Abstract:: The objective of this research was to characterize the Management Style of farmers in Brazil. Management Style was treated as the manifestation of the characteristics of managing the interaction between people, and between people and the structure of one or collective of managers of a given organization. In order to analyze the Management Style of the farmers were considered the factors as Leadership, Decision, Communication, Control, Planning and Motivation. The mixed approach subsidized the research methodology, taking the quantitative analysis from the survey technique and qualitative analysis using the focus group technique, and for each technique of data collection, different samples were used. The sample of survey participants consisted of 101 managers from Brazilian farm organizations. For the focus group meeting, 5 professionals with experience and knowledge in the area of management of rural organizations participated. The results showed that farmers have a Management Style characterized by the strong presence of activities related to leadership, decision, control, motivation and technology, and less relevance in the planning and communication aspects.
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