Perfil socioeconômico do produtor de flores e plantas ornamentais do Distrito Federal
Socio-economic profile of the flower and ornamental plant producer in the Federal District
Alda Mieko Rocha Kimura Vidal; Juliana Baldan Costa Neves Araújo; Ricardo de Oliveira Gaspar; Maísa Santos Joaquim; Álvaro Nogueira de Souza
Abstract:: The flower and ornamental plants agribusiness in Brazil are in the consolidating stage. The profile of the Brazilian small producer is mainly characterized as family farming. The production of flowers and ornamental plants plays an important role in the economy, generating jobs and distributing income better. In the Federal District, small producers and his family carry out the production, thus making it family farming. This research proposes an exploratory and descriptive analysis by a mixed questionnaire to evaluate Federal District flowers and ornamental plants producers` socioeconomic profile. The data analysis was evaluated using a two-dimensional statistical analysis to test and validate all achieved results. The result about the gender of the producers of flowers and ornamental plants were men (24.34%) with at least two family members (16.98%), and for the production of seedlings, women (16.98%), with more than two family members (13.21%). The marital status of flower producers is married (58.82%) and single (23.33%). It was concluded that the producer of flowers and ornamental plants' socioeconomic profile is mixed, family farming, signs of amateurism, and does not have income exclusively from production.
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