Distribución de la propiedad rural en Colombia en el siglo XXI
Distribution of rural property in Colombia during the XXI Century
Fabio Alberto Pachón Ariza
Palabras clave
Abstract: Land concentration in Colombia is a historical problem still unsolved; a situation that is also common in other countries of the continent. Latin America and especially South America show a high Gini coefficient for land than other continents. Paraguay and Chile are the countries with the highest land concentration in South America; while Colombia, in addition to the high concentration, suffers from problems associated with an armed conflict closely linked to the agrarian problem. This concentration shows the failure of the land policy implemented during the 20th century, both that led by the State and that guided by the market. This article shows, based on official data, the evolution of land distribution during the first two decades of the XXI century, evidencing the persistence of a historical concentration and the limited results of the implementation of the Peace Agreement in terms of its distribution. It also proposes the aspects that should be taken into account to carry out an alternative agrarian reform to traditional views, a community-based land policy.
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