Intensificação da pecuária em Goiás
Livestock intensification in Goiás
Gabriel Caymmi Vilela Ferreira; Fausto Miziara; Ibán Vazquéz-González
Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the level of livestock intensification in the years 2006 and 2017, in which data from the Agricultural Census conducted by IBGE are available, in the state of Goiás – GO (Central-West region). Using factor analysis techniques, hierarchical and non-hierarchical clusters based on data from the Agricultural Census, LAPIG/UFG and Agrodefesa – GO, it was possible to generate an index of intensification of livestock for beef and dairy cattle. The results indicate a significant intensification of livestock with an increase of 45% in stocking rate, in addition to an increase of 66% in animal supplementation, and 49% in milk productivity per cow. Livestock is a sectorized activity, which develops more intensely in specific areas. In addition, dairy activity has a higher level of intensification than beef cattle activity. In 2006, 47 counties for beef cattle and 104 counties for dairy farming were classified as high intensification. In 2017, the number of municipalities with high intensification was 49 and 111, respectively.
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