Efeitos da pandemia de Covid-19 sobre o acesso aos canais de comercialização dos agricultores familiares: estudo qualitativo no município de Mariana - MG
Effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on market access by family farmers: qualitative study in the municipality of Mariana - MG
Marisa Alice Singulano; Francisca Diana Ferreira Viana; Iago Luciano Estevam Inácio
Abstract:: This paper addresses the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to markets by family farmers in Mariana. The research was theoretically guided by the discussion on the social construction of markets accessed by family farmers. A typology of markets developed by Schneider (2016) was used as an analytical model - which differentiates the main market channels accessed by family farmers in Brazil in order to assess possible changes in the forms of marketing during the pandemic. This is an exploratory and descriptive study, with a qualitative methodology consisting of semi-structured interviews with family farmers in Mariana. Through the content analysis of the interviews, it was possible to identify that the marketing channels available in the pandemic context did not change, but, due to access restrictions, in addition to the absence of incentives and public policies, farmers were impacted, highlighting the significant reduction in their income.
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