Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural

When periphery matters: a computational analysis through network science and topic modeling of the scientific production on Pirarucu

Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes; Roney Fraga Souza; Elis Regina Monte Feitosa; Adalberto Luis Val; Jacques Marcovitch

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The pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) is a native fish of the Amazonian basin. It plays an essential role in food security and the maintenance of biodiversity. In the 1970s, researchers designated the species as endangered due to the deleterious effects of overfishing. The advancement of fish farming projects for large-scale production and management in protected areas have been a significant driving force behind scientific research. This pioneering study analyzes the global literature, scientific articles via the Scopus platform, and national interest through research projects registered on the Lattes platform. The authors employ data collection and organization techniques, including network science and topic modeling analysis. Brazilian research is prominent, with scientists leading national projects and ranking among the most productive in Scopus. Additionally, Brazilian institutions fund the majority of research on Scopus. The main areas of study focused on understanding the biological and technological aspects, especially those related to reproduction. Domestic research circuits mainly refer to applied research. The findings presented here illustrate the significance of conducting research in peripheral countries to address national concerns. Despite limited awareness of these findings beyond the local context, they offer substantial insights for developing local strategies.


Pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, structural topic modeling, network science, bibliometric analysis


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