Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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Relative intensity of bilateral trade flows, regional integration, and trade performance: the case of Brazil, 1984-1998.

Valquiria da Silva; Lilian C. Anefalos; José Carlos G. dos R. Filho

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The objective of this research is to identify the component of trade that results specifically from bilateral relations and evaluate how the creation of trading blocs affects trade relations between countries. The trirapport coefficient of the relative intensity of bilateral agricultural sector trade flows between Brazil and other countries from 1984 and 1998 is used in the evaluation. In general, the results show that relative trade intensity between Brazil and its non-MERCOSUL trade partners fell after their entry into regional trade agreements (extra-bloc effect). The intra-bloc effect (trade expansion) is reflected by changes in trade intensity between Brazil and the other MERCOSUL members and changes in trade intensity between NAFTA members Mexico, Canada, and the United States.


Regional Integration, Relative Intensity of Bilateral Trade, Trirapport Coefficient.
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