Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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Carlos A. Benito

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Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem de análise de sistema para a investigação dos mais efetivos programas agrícolas relacionados com a nutrição, necessários à melhoria dos padrões nutricionais da população rural pobre em países menos desenvolvidos.


1. ANDREWS, Margaret S. & MOORE, John R. An integrated production consumption farm model for the Dominican Republic. Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, MP 899, Aug. 1976.

2. BANCO DO MÉXICO. La distribución dei ingreso. México City, Fondo de Cultura Econômica, 1974.

3. BARAC NIETO, M.; SPURR, G. B.; MAKSUD, M. G.; LOTERO, H. Aerobic work capacity in chronically undernourished males. Journal of Applied Physiology, n. 44, p. 209-15, 1978.

4. BELLI, Pedro. The economic implications of malnutrition: the dismal science revisited. Economic Development and Cultural Change, n. 20, p. 1-23, 1978.

5. BENITO, Carlos A. Peasant's response to modernization projects in minifundia economies. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, n. 58, p. 142-51, 1978.

6. ____________. Intergenerational paths of family size and human quality in peasant societies, in house-hold models of economic-demographic decision. Belgium, Ordina Editions, forthcoming.

7. BRESSANI, Ricardo; FLORES, Marina; ELLIAS, Luiz G. Acceptability e value of food legumes in human dieta, in potentials of field beans e other food legumes in Latin America. Series Seminars, n. 2 E. Cali, Colombia, Centro Internacional de Agriculture Tropical, 1973.

8. MAY, Jacques M. & MACLELLAN, Donna L. The ecology of malnutrition in Mexico and Central America. New York, Hafner, 1972.

9. MOSCARDI, Edgardo R. Data basis for studyng the Puebla area. Berkeley, University of California, 1976.

10. ____________. A behavioral model for decision under risk among smallholding farmers. Berkeley, University of California, 1977. Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation.

11. MOSCARDI, Edgardo R. & JANVRY, Alain de. Attitudes toward risk among peasants: an econometric approach. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, n. 59, p. 710-16, 1977.

12. PINSTRUP- Andersen, Per & CAICEDO, Elizabeth. This potential impact of changes in income distribution on food demand and human nutrition. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, n. 60, p. 402-15, 1978.

13. PINSTRUP-Andersen, Per; LONDOÑO, Norah Ruiz de; HOOVER, Edward (1976).The impact of increasing food supply on human nutrition: implications for commodity priorities in agricultural research and Policy. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, n. 58, p. 131-42, 1976.

14. REUTLINGER, Shlomo & SELOWSKY, Marcelo. Malnutrition and povertymagnitude and policy potions. Baltimore, The Hopkins University Press, 1976.

15. SMITH, Victor F. A diet model with protein quality variable. Management Science, n 20, p. 917-80, 1974.

16. VITERI, Fernando E. Considerations on the effect of nutrition on the body composition and physical working capacity of young guatemalan adults, in amino acid fortification of protein foods. In: SCRIMSHAW, N.S. and ALTSCHUL, A.M. (eds.) Cambridge, MIT Press, 1971

17. WORLD HEALTER ORGANIZATION. Energy and protein requirements. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO ad hoc Expert Committee. Technical Report Series, n. 522, Geneva, 1973.

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