Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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Johanna Döbbereiner; Fernando Faria Duque

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1. APP, A. 1979. Nitrogen balance in Flooded rice. Intern. Workshop on Associative N2 Fixation, Piracicaba, Brazil.

2. BALDANI, J.I., PEREIRA, P.A.A., ROCHA, R.E.M., DÖBEREINER, I. 1980. Especificidade na infecção de raízes por Azospirillum spp. em plantas com via fotossintética C3 e C4. Pesq. agropec. bras. (encaminhado para publicação).

3. BALDANI, V.L.D., DÖBEREINER, J. 1980. Host plant specificity in the infection of cereals with Azospirillum spp. Soil Biol. Biochem. (no prelo).

4. BODDEY, R.H. 1980. Biological nitrogen fixation in the rhizosphere of lowland rice. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. West Indies, Trinidad.

5. BROSE, E. 1979. Importância das leguminosas hospedeiras. Curso Rápido em Tecnologia em Rhizobium. UNEP/UNESCO/ICROIIPAGRO. Porto Alegre, RS (Mimeo., 11 p.).

6. BULOW, J.F.W., VON DÖBEREINER, J. 1975. Potential for nitrogen fixation in maize genotypes in Brazil. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA) 72: 2389-2393.

7. BURTON, J.C. 1974. Pragmatic aspects of the Rhizobium: Leguminous plant association. In: Proc. First Int. Symp. Nitrogen Fixation (W.E. NeMon, C.J. Nyman, eds.). Washington State Univ. Press, pg. 429-446.

8. COELHO, R.R.R., DROZDOWICZ, A. 1978. The occurrence of actinomycetes in a cerrado soil in Brazil. Rev. Ecol. Biol. Sol. 15:45-73.

9. DEIWICHE, C.C. 1970. The nitrogen cycle. Scient. Amer. 223,136-147.

10. DE-POLLI, H., SUHET, A.R., FRANCO, A.A. 1975. Micronutrientes limitando a fixação de nitrogênio atmosférico e produção de Centroserm em solo podzólico vermelho amarelo. An. XV Congr. Brasil. Ciên. Solo, p. 152-156.

11. DE-POLLI, H., CARVALHO, S.R., LEMOS, P.F., FRANCO, A.A. 1977. Effect of micronutrients on establishment of tropical legumes and persistence on a red yellow Podzolic soil hill pasture. In: Limitations and Potentials for Biological Nitrogen Fixation in the Tropics (J. Dobereiner, R.H. Burris, A. Hollaender, eds.) Basic Life sciences 10, p. 339. Plenum Press, New York and London.

12. DE-POLLI, H.. MATSUI, E., DOBEREINER, J., SALATI, E. 1977. Confirmation of nitrogen fixation in two tropical grasses by 15N2 incorporation. Soil Biol. Biochem. 9, 119123.

13. DÖBEREINER, J., DAY, J.M. 1974. Associative symbioses in tropical grasses: characterization of microorganisms and dinitrogen-fixing sites. Proc. Int. Symposium on Nitrogen Fixation (W.E. Newton, C.J. Nyman, eds.) Washington State Univ. Press, Pullman, p. 518-538.

14. DÖBEREINER, I. 1977. Potential for nitrogen fixation in Tropical Legumes and Grasses. In: Limitations and Potentials for Biological Nitrogen Fixation in the Tropics. (J. Döbereiner, R.H. Burris, A. Hollaender, eds.) Basic Life Sciences 10, p. 13-24. Plenum Press, New York and London.

15. DÖBEREINER, I. 1979. Fixação de nitrogênio em gramíneas tropicais. Interciência 4, 200-205.

16. DÖBEREINER, I., BALDANI, V.L.D. 1979. Selective infection of maize roots by streptomycin-resistant Azospirillum lipoferum and other bactéria. Can. J. Microbiol. 25, 1264-1269.

17. DUQUE, F.F. 1973. Comportamento de cultivares de amendoim, feijão comum e soja no Distrito Federal. Imprensa Universitária da U.F.V., Viçosa. 69 p. (Tese de M.S.).

18. FRANCO, A.A., DAY, J.M. 1975. The role of lime and molybdenum on the symbiosis of Phaseolus vulgaris. 5th Am. Rhizobium Conf. Raleigh, N. Carolina, USA.

19. FRANCO, A.A. 1977. Micronutrient requirements of legume-Rhizobium symbiosis in the tropics. In: Limitations and Potentials for Biological Nitrogen Fixation in the Tropic. (J. Döbereiner, R.H. Burris, A. Hollaender, eds.) Basic Life Sciences 10, p. 191-208. Plenum Press, New York and London.

20. FRANCO, A.A., PEREIRA, J.C., NEYRA, C.A. 1977. Nitrogen utilization in Phaseolus vulgaris L. In: Limitations and Potentials for Biological Nitrogen Fixation in the Tropics. (J. Dobereiner, R.H. Burris, A. Hollaender, eds.) Basic Life Sciences 10, p. 335. Plenum Press, New York and London.

21. FRANCO, A.A., PERES, J.R.R., NERY, M. 1978. The use of AzotobacterpaspaliN2-ase (C2H2 reduction activity) to measure molybdenum deficiency in soils. Plant and Soil 50, 1-11.

22. FRANCO, A.A., DAY, J.M. 1980. Effects of lime and molybdenum on modulation and nitrogen fixation of Phaseolus vulgaris L. in acid soils of Brazil. Turrialba (no prelo).

23. , J. 1977. Nitrogen accumulation by grasses. Ga. Agr. Research 19, 12-13.

24. HARDY, R.W.F., HOLSTEN, R.D. 1972. Global nitrogen cycling: Pools, evolution, transformations, transfers, quantitation and research needs. The Aquatic Environment: Microbial Transformations and Water Quality Management Implications.

25. HARDY, R.W.F., HAVELKA, U.D. 1975. Nitrogen fixation research: A key to world Food. Science 188, 633-643.

26. HARRIS, G.T., HARRE, E.A. 1979. World fertilizer situation and outlook 1978- 1985. Intern. Fert. Dev. Center, Muscle Shoals, Alabama.

27. JAIYEBO, E.O., MOORE, A.W. 1963. Soil nitrogen accretion under different covers in a Tropical Rain-Forest Environment. Nature, 197, 317-318.

28. JENKINSON, D.S. 1973. Organic matter and nitrogen in soils of the Rothamsted classical experiments. J. Sci. Food Agric. 24, 1149-1150.

29. MAGALHÃES, L.M.S., NFYRA, C.A., DÖBEREINER, J. 1978. Nitrate and nitrite reductase negative mutants of N2-fixing Azospirillum spp. Arch. Microbiol. 117, 247-252.

30. MAGALHÃES, F.M.M., PATRIQUIN, D., DÖBEREINER, J. 1979. Infection of field grown maize with Azospirillum spp. Rev. Brasil. Biol. 39, 587-596.

31. MIYASAKA, S., FREIRE, E.S., MASCARENHAS, H.A.A., NERY, C., SORDI, G. 1966. Efeito da adubação verde com uma gramínea e quatro leguminosas sobre a produção do feijoeiro "da sêca", em terra-roxa misturada. Bragantia 25, 277-290.

32. NEYRA, C.A., DÖBEREINER, J. 1977. Nitrogen fixation in grasses. Advances in Agronomy 29, 1-38.

33. NEYRA, C.A., DÕBEREINER, J., LALANDE, R., KNOWLES, R. 1977. Denitrification by N2-fixing Spirilium lipoferum. Can. J. Microbiol. 23, 300- 305.

34. PARKER, C.A. 1957. Non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in soil. III. Total nitrogen changes in a field soil. J. Soil Sci., 8, 48-59.

35. PERES, J.R.R., VIDOR, C. 1980. Seleção de estirpes de Rhizobium japonicum e competitividade por sítios de infecção nodular em cultivares de soja (Glycine max (L) Merrill). Pesq. Agropec. Bras. (no prelo).

36. PURCHASE, B.S. 1978. A potential source of nitrogen for Rhodesian Agriculture. Rhodesia Agric. 75, 99-104.

37. SILVA, J.G. 1951. Estudos sobre inoculação de sementes de leguminosas realizados pelo Instituto Agronômico do Estado de São Paulo. An. III Reun. Bras. Ciên. Solo, Recife, 297-300.

38. SMITH, R.M., THOMPSON, D.O., COLLIER, J.W., HERVEY, R.J. 1954. Soil organic matter, crop yields and land use in the Texas Blackland. Soil Science 77, 377-388.

39. TARRAND, J.J., KRIEG, N.R., DÖBEREINER, J. 1978. A taxonomic study of the spirillum lipoferum group, with descriptions of a new genus, Azospiriilum gen. nov. and two species, Azospiriilum lipoferum (Beijerinck) comb. nov. and Azospiriltum brazilense sp. nov. Can. J. Microbiol. 24, 967-980.

40. VARGAS, M.A.T., SUHET, A.R. 1980. Efeito de níveis e tipos de inoculantes da soja (Glycine max) cultivada em um solo de cerrados. Pesq. agropec. bras. (no prelo).

41. WHITE, J.W., HOLBEN, F.J., RICHER, A.C. 1945. Maintenance level of.nitrogen and organic matter in Brassland and cultivated soils over periods of 54 and 72 years. J. Amer. Soc. Agron. 37, 21-33.

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