Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural


Teotônio Dias Teixeira

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1. AIGNER, D.Z. & CHU, S.F. "On Estimating the lndustry Production Function", Amerlcan Eco• nomic Review, Vol. 58, N. 4, September, 1968, pp. 826-839.

  1. BAER, W. "Regional lnequality and Economic Growth in Brazil", Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. XI 1, N. 3, April, 1964, pp. 268-85.

  2. FARREL, M.J. "The Measurement oi Productive Efficiency", Journal oi lhe Royal Statlstical Society, Series A (General). Part I l i , 120, 1957, pp. 253-290.

  3. FARREL, M.J. & FIELDHOUSE, M. "Estimating Efficient Production Functions Under lncreasing Returns to Seale", Journal oi lhe Royal Society, Series A (General), Pari l i , 125, 1962. pp. 252-267.

  4. FORSUND, F.R. & HJALMANSSON, L. "On lhe Measurement oi Productive Efficiency", Swe- dlsh Journal oi Economics, Vol. 76, N.o 2, June 1974, pp. 141-154.

  5. GRILICHES, Z. "The Sources oi Measured Productivity Growth: United States Agricultura, 1940-60", Journal oi Polilical Economlcs, Vol. 71, N. 0 4, August 1963, pp. 331,346.

  6. NERLOVE, M. Eslimalion and ldenlificalion oi Cobb-Douglas Produclion Funclions. Chicago, R. nd McNally, 1965.

  7. P A I V A , R . M . , S C H A T T A N , S. & F R E I T A S , C . F . T . d e . " B r a z i l ' s A g r l c u l t u r a l S e c t o r ( e c o n o m l c behavior, problems and possibilities)", XV lnternational Conference oi Agricultura! Economists São Paulo, 1973, pp. 298-299.

  8. P A TRICK, G.F. & CARV ALHO FILHO, J.J. de. Low lncome Groups ln Brazllian Agricultura: A Progress Report, Stalion Bullelin N°. 79, Purdue University , A p r i l 1975.

  9. TEIXEIRA, T.D. Resource Efficiency and lhe Market for Family Labor: Small Farms in lhe Sertão o i Northeast, Brazil. Purdue University , USA, 1976. 523p. (T ese Ph.D.).

  10. TIMMER, C.P. "On Measuring Technical Efficiency", Food Research lnstilule Studles ln Agrlcultural Economlcs, Trade and Davalopmant, Vol, IX, N. 0 2, 1970,

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