Covid-19 e os sistemas alimentares nas agendas simbólicas dos Ministérios da Agricultura do Brasil, Chile e Colômbia
Covid-19 e os sistemas alimentares nas agendas simbólicas dos Ministérios da Agricultura do Brasil, Chile e Colômbia
Catia Grisa; Fernanda Castilhos França de Vasconcellos; Ingrid de Paula Marques; Nicol Manuela García Gonzalez; Isabela Zacher Narciso
Several studies have argued that the COVID-19 pandemic could be a catalyst for building sustainable food systems. Among the actors involved in this debate, we emphasize the significance of agriculture ministries in shaping governmental agendas and policies. Starting from debates on agendasetting, this article analyzes how the Covid-19 pandemic manifested itself in the symbolic agenda and the issues related to food systems prioritized by the agriculture ministries of Brazil, Chile and Colombia, reflecting on the contents of Facebook throughout 2020. In methodological terms, the article mapped the posts, selected those related to the Covid-19, analyzed and classified into categories. The results indicate that the ministries paid different attention to the pandemic, however, in all cases, the pandemic lost space on the symbolic agenda in the second half of 2020. Contrary to expectations of transformative change, the ministries’ posts aimed to maintain existing dynamics in food systems.
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