Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural

Guidelines and Policies

Editorial Policy

To access RESR editorial policy, as well as the regulation on special editions, submission of discussion texts and bibliographic reviews click on: Editorial Policy


Instructions for authors

Before submitting your article, pay attention to the instruction for authors. In case you experience problems with submissions, please contact us at:

Article submissions to RESR must be done electronically through Scielo System at the link on the bottom of this page. Printed articles will not be accepted.

Papers submitted to the journal must comply with all requirements below. Otherwise, they will be rejected in the first instance.

  1. The Brazilian Journal of Rural Economics and Sociology (RESR) accepts original scientific manuscripts, written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, related to agriculture, agribusiness and rural issues. Articles from other areas will have their relevance evaluated by the editors.

  2. To ensure anonymity during the evaluation process of the article, authors should not be identified in the text and should avoid any reference to their institution. The identification and institutional affiliation of the authors will be filled in on the appropriate field on the journal's website, and will only be accessible by RESR Editorial Board.

  3. Each text may have up to 5 (five) authors.

  4. Authors can submit only 2 (two) manuscripts per year, both as first author or as co-author. The submission of a third article submitted by the same author will be automatically canceled.

  5. The manuscripts submitted will be subject to a preliminary review by the editors, who will decide whether they should be sent to pair review. The authors will be informed of this decision by email. If the manuscript is approved by the editors, it will be reviewed by two external reviewers under the "blind review" system. In case of conflicting opinions, the editors will evaluate the manuscript and may consult the Editorial Board. In all cases, a decision to accept, reject, or request a revised manuscript will be communicated electronically to the authors, with a summary of peers' evaluations.

  6. The manuscripts should be organized as follows: Title (maximum 17 words), Abstract (maximum 200 words), Keywords and the Journal of Economic Literature - JEL - Classification System. The first page of the article must also contain a title, abstract and keywords in a second language – for example: if the article is in English, the data must also be in Spanish or Portuguese. The articles should contain: Introduction, Theoretical Foundation, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and References. The manuscripts must be exclusively in "doc" or "docx" format and not protected. Files which do not follow this format will be rejected.

  7. The text must be single-spaced, including footnotes, tables, references and annexes, and should be formatted preferably for A4 paper, with a minimum margin of 2.5 cm and in Times New Roman 12. The RESR will not accept manuscripts with more than 20 single-spaced pages.

  8. The tables, charts, figures and graphs of the text must be sent in the same file of the manuscript, with a resolution above 300dpis to make the limit of 20 pages in single space. Figures will be edited in the journal's pattern if publication is confirmed.

  9. The author(s) should mention the sources of the data and models used and explain the methodology and estimation procedures adopted. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the text. Bibliographic References must follow the rules adopted by the APA (American Psychological Association) and listed, in alphabetical order, at the end of the article. Only the references mentioned in the manuscript should be included.

  10. Authors are requested to send a letter to RESR Editorial Board, pointing out if the text is a result of a graduation course study, master or doctorate degree, a research project from a research group, among other possibilities. They should also recognize any financing sources, research and coordination teams, mention the duration of the project and if preliminary versions were released in scientific events. This letter must be SIGNED by all AUTHORS. The letter must be included in SciELO online system, as “Supplementary Document”. Submissions that do not follow this requirement will not be forwarded to peer review.

  11. Aiming to be in line with the good policy for scientific practices, as of 2021, RESR journal will actively scan submitted manuscripts using iThenticate system to identifying text similarities that may be considered plagiarism.

  12. The ideas and opinions expressed in the published articles are the authors' responsibility and do not, necessarily, reflect the views and opinions of the editors and/or of SOBER.


  • As a way to standardize authorship, it is now compulsory to include ORCID ID to submit the papers. After the first analysis, before the paper is sent to be evaluated, authors of manuscripts that do not have ORCID included will be notified to do so.

  • The ORCID identifier is free and can be obtained here:

  • Authors may accept the pattern to present ORCID ID, and include the complete URL, following "http://" in the enrollment, right after the e-mail. For example: Check here to access the tutorial for enrollment. ORCID registration is compulsory for all authors.


  • All articles sent must pay the processing fee in the amount of: 

    • Brazilian authors
      • BRL 150.00 per article;
    • Foreign authors
      • USD $50.00 per article.
  • Articles returned to the authors with Reject or Ressubmit decision must pay the processing fee again. Articles that remain filed for a certain period of time will not be refunded.

  • The processing fee must be paid by Credit Card (foreign authors): / Credit Card (Brazilian authors): and any information on this link can be clarified with the financial sector:

  • For articles approved for 2024, the publication fee (internationally known as Article Processing Charges - APC) will be in the amount of:

    • Brazilian authors 

      • BRL 700.00 for publication in only one language;

      •  BRL 1,200.00 for publication in two languages.

    • Foreign authors

      • USD $250.00 for publication in only one language.

  • This amount includes the following services: pending checks; front/metadata standardization; standardization of bibliographic references; formatting, proofreading and XML SciELO.

  • However, the payment of the publication fee will only take place after the authors receive the letter of acceptance, in a private link when the article is processed.

     15. PREPRINT

  • Authors may submit manuscripts to SciELO Preprints before or during the submission to RESR journal. Preprint does not have a formal peer review on the open access preprint server operated by SciELO Program. In such cases, the manuscript is automatically loaded if it meets the basic selection criteria or if it is approved after basic evaluation by the editors in the manuscript field and will receive a DOI assigned by SciELO Preprints. RESR Journal may also submit the manuscript already approved in the final process of evaluation, editing and/or publication. In the latter case, the manuscript is automatically uploaded and will have the same DOI as the final article.


  • For accepted articles, the journal will ask authors to provide a statement from a specific professional or company that the article has undergone a grammar review in the language it will be published.

  • If translated into English,  articles written in Portuguese or Spanish will have a greater impact among English-speaking readers. Authors may submit both the original and the translated article in which case the review will take place in both languages. Thus, authors will also need to send a translation statement issued


It is suggested that, before the submission, authors read and evaluate their papers answering the questions below. This increases the chances for the manuscript to be accepted for publication. In case the questions are not answered, author´s should provide a possible justification.

  1. If the manuscript has preliminary versions presented in research conferences and seminars, does this version include contributions suggested?

  2. Which important contribution the manuscript brings for the knowledge in the research area?

  3. Does the paper mention other manuscripts released in Brazilian and international scientific journals?

  4. Does the manuscript mention papers published in scientific journals over the last five years?

  5. Does your paper present references and quotes from classic authors in the field of work?

  6. Does your manuscript follow rules from RESR editorial board?

  7. The methodology for research and the theoretical apparatus used are described in a desirable way?

  8. Did your paper face a grammatical revision?


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